1. Full Text theses (PhD/DLitt/DSc)
  2. Arts
Document ID Title Name of Researcher Name of Guide Year Completed File
CUE-A06364-T03890 New tendencies in novel writing of some contemporary French writers Sarkar, Swapna - 1982
CUE-A04653-T02706 Utilitarianism and its critics Chattopadhyay, Gauriprasad Chakraborti, Apala 1981
CUE-A04747-T02777 Concept of samadhi in Indian philosophy Chakrabvarti, Surath Chandra Chatterjee, P B 1981
CUE-A04931-T02901 Tripura administration the era of modernisation 1870 to 1972 Bhattacharyya, Banikantha Mukhopadhyaya, Subimal Kumar 1981
CUE-A05047-T02980 Contribution of some home factors on childrens scholastic achievement Sarkar, Utpala Deb, M 1981
CUE-A05132-T03027 Mind and mental factors in early Buddhist psychology Barua, Amal Kanti Barua, Dipak Kumar 1981
CUE-A05208-T03062 Spatial structure of non agricultural population of West Bengal a study in quantitative economic geography Thakurta, Shyamali Guha - 1981
CUE-A05254-T03082 The revenue administration of Tripura state during the later Manikyas 1862 to 1947 Dutta, Jyotish Chandra Chatterjee, Hiralal 1981
CUE-A05463-T03230 Social and political ideas of Subhas Chandra Bose Chattopadhyay, Subhash Chandra Bhattacharyya, Ddhadeva 1981
CUE-A05537-T03290 Some problems on isotropic and axisymmetric features of turbulence Mandal, Shyama Pada Ghosh, K M 1981
CUE-A05661-T03386 District administration in West Bengal with special reference to Nadia district Nandi, Bimal Krishna Roy, Bharati 1981
CUE-A05736-T03437 Some philosophical problems concerning man and society in ancient Indian philosophy Rgveda and Manu Ray, Nilay - 1981
CUE-A05852-T03516 Indias freedom struggle and the nationalist English press of Bengal 1857 to 1907 with special reference to Hindoo Patriot Bengalee and amrita bazar patrika Sen, Prabir - 1981
CUE-A14621-T09776 Spatial dynamics of manufacturing in India during 1951 69 period : A quantitative dissection Sadhukhan, Sunil Kumar - 1981
CUE-A04388-T02555 Impact of the upanisads on the nineteenth century western thought Mukhopadhyay, Purna Chandra - 1980
CUE-A04562-T02642 Impect of rourkela on Sundargarh distric Orissa A geo economic study Bhattacharyya, Manjusri Bagchi, K 1980
CUE-A04568-T02647 Vyapati and the means of its knowledge according to the navya nyaya system of philosophy Ghosh, Raghunath Guha, D C 1980
CUE-A05288-T03103 Edith sitwell a critical study Bandyopadhyay, Biswanath Maitra, Maitra 1980
CUE-A05314-T03125 English diaries 1640 to 1819 a study of major diarists Mukhopadhyay, Partha Kumar Ghosh, P C 1980
CUE-A05353-T03154 A critical study of the refutation of idealism in Indian philosophy Dutta, Ras Behari Das, R P 1980

library locations

ALP = Alipore Campus Library, University of Calcutta

1, Reformatory Steet, Kolkata - 700027

CL = Central Library, University of Calcutta

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TSP = Ballygunge Science College (Taraknath Siksha Prangan)

35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata – 700019

RBSP = Rashbehari Siksha Prangan – Rajabazar Science College

92, Acharyya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata - 700009

ECO = ECONOMICS, B. T. Road Campus

56A, Barrackpore Trunk Road, Kolkata-700050

LAW = Hazra Road Campus

51/1and 51/2 Hazra Road, Kolkata-700019

VLC = Home Science, Viharilal Home Science Campus

20B, Judges Court Road, Alipore, Kolkata -700021