1. Full Text theses (PhD/DLitt/DSc)
  2. Arts
Document ID Title Name of Researcher Name of Guide Year Completed File
CUE-A03054-T01738 A study of the kiratarjuniyam Har, Saktipada Goswami, Krishnagopal 1974
CUE-A03093-T01761 The liberal concept of individual rights in the seventeenth century England Sil, Santimoy Mukherjee, S K 1974
CUE-A03100-T01767 Pattern and continuity of rural administration in West Bengal with special reference to some districts Banerjee, Shib Nath Bhowmick, P K 1974
CUE-A03102-T01768 Marxism as a religion Bhattacharya, P K Ghosh, R C 1974
CUE-A03168-T01815 Henry James as a dramatist Roybhowmik, Harendrakisor - 1974
CUE-A03181-T01823 Origin and development of the Buddhist schools Sarkar, Swapan Kumar Majumder, Provash Chandra 1974
CUE-A03196-T01834 Industrial labour and the Indian constitution Maity, Anadi Bhusan Ghosh, Ramesh Chandra 1974
CUE-A03232-T01853 Sarvajnatmans interpretation of Sankaras philosophy Chattopadhyay, Kamala Das, Rasvihary 1974
CUE-A03358-T01926 Development of the Sikkimese economy under planning 1954 to 71 Debnath, Jagadish Chandra Bhattacharyya, Dhires 1974
CUE-A01318-T00806 Rural conditions in agricultural North Bengal during 1968 to 69 Bhattacharyya, Sibnath - 1973
CUE-A01350-T00825 Career of Shuja Ud Din Muhammad Khan 1727 to 1739 A D Ray, Jayati Roy, Atul Chandra 1973
CUE-A01714-T01044 British policy towards Hyderabad 1858 to 1883 Ray, Bharati Tripathi, Amales 1973
CUE-A02709-T01528 Government and administration of Tripura 1761 to 1947 Chakraborty, Nalinikanta Mukherjee, S K 1973
CUE-A02741-T01549 Religious life of some austric speaking people a study in early and later traditions Mukhopadhyay, Sankarananda Sircar, D C 1973
CUE-A02807-T01588 Humes theory of causality Chakrabarti, Tapan Kumar - 1973
CUE-A03134-T01792 District administration in West Bengal since independence Dam, Sukumar Ghosal, A K 1973
CUE-A03162-T01811 Lessons of recent monetary policy 1951 to 65 Lalwani, Gita Sen, S N 1973
CUE-A03212-T01843 Industrial profile of West Bengal a geographical study Roy, Debika Banerjee, Bireswar 1973
CUE-A03227-T01848 The cost of protection a study of some selected manufacturing industries Rakshit, Susmita Bagchi, Aniya K 1973
CU-A03425-DLT0259 Banga-sanskrit o debisadhana Das, Minati - 1972

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RBSP = Rashbehari Siksha Prangan – Rajabazar Science College

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ECO = ECONOMICS, B. T. Road Campus

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LAW = Hazra Road Campus

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VLC = Home Science, Viharilal Home Science Campus

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